December 1, 2023

The Season of Giving: Over $1.6m in Lifetime Donations

Christmas Newsletter - 2023

The Raizor Team would like to thank all of our great supporters and wish you a Merry Christmas! We're proud to say we've hit an incredible milstone of over $220,000 in earned charitable contributions. This has been a rewarding journey for us and our very deserving charity partners.

You may have seen on our recently refreshed website '$1.6m in Lifetime Donations'. This is because, thanks to the fine folks at Gallagher (formerlly known as Crombie Lockwood), we've witnessed one of the most loyal and satisfied client bases that continue to support the Insurance for Good program each year, considerably outpacing the industry average. This means we expect our current client base to donate at least $1,600,000 over the life of the program.

How you can help

This year for Christmas, all we ask is, if you're interested in learning more about the Insurance for Good program, we would encourage you to:

  • enquire how we can help your own organisation's insurance
  • share with businesses who might be interested in our program
  • introduce charities who would like to benefit from recurring donations

After all, community is one of our tenants of impact.

Ōtautahi Community Housing Trust (OCHT)

An exemplary demonstration of recurring giving

OCHT is a social housing provider based in Christchurch. They became Insurance for Good clients in 2022 and earned a donation of $7,500 to which they earmarked for their digital inclusivity program for tenants. This provided devices and training to empower tenants to be connected in our online world.

This year we donated a further $12,000 towards this program.

Gallagher issued a story about this in their July SURE publication.

“I was absolutely DELIGHTED to see a $12,000 donation in our account this Monday with Raizor in the reference line. It was completely unexpected and very much needed… [We are] absolutely thrilled to receive this donation, thank you for setting up such a great scheme.”

-  Pollyanne Peña, OCHT Engagement Lead

Growth and Change

We’ve added significant resources this year to grow the program and have even expanded to the US with Co-Founder Colin Thomas's relocation to Texas earlier this year.

We’re excited to see what the future brings and are already witnessing the fruit this will bear.

Growth and change can often be consequences from struggle and strife, and we’re no exception. Earlier this year we made the difficult decision to close our spending giving marketplace, SHOP2GIVE. While this was disappointing, we continue to endeavour on our mission to provide a reliable source of long lasting, recurring revenue for the charitable sector and all of us feel deeply that Insurance for Good is the right vessel to materialise our vision.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Thanks again for all your support through this journey. Stay safe this summer.

Ngā mihi nui and Merry Christmas y’all!

Interested to learn more? Contact us at | 027 490 2542 | 021 909 610 | 021 967 276

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